Like, anybody who plays the piano would thrill at seeing and hearing one thrown off a 12-story building, watching it hit the sidewalk and being there to hear that thump. It's like school. You want to watch it burn.--Tom Waits
I'm not there, he said
his hands thin and fidgety
the treeline quivered.
intended to rain and the sum of another season. here's where it gets:
A cold front meets a warm front on the Atlantic seaboard. There are diagrams, too, to go with it. Watch your televisions. I intended to write some kind of response to a movie I'd seen over the weekend, but sleep is better.
i'm not there...suppositions on a film concerning dylan; cate blanchett work a sock down her trousers to play bob dylan because she said it "helped me walk like a man." who knew all it took was a sock...
i most certainly did not. i wonder why frankie valli never mentioned it in the song?
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